
  • Video: Harvesting Kohlrabi

    Video: Harvesting Kohlrabi

    We finish our series on growing kohlrabi by harvesting them and seeing how they’ve done. For more videos, visit the Kitchen Garden YouTube channel at the link below: www.youtube.com/kitchengardenmagazine

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  • Video: The Risks with Growing Kohlrabi

    Video: The Risks with Growing Kohlrabi

    As we update on the Kohlrabi that Steve sowed last month, we find out something has gone very wrong! For more videos, visit the Kitchen Garden YouTube channel at the link below: www.youtube.com/kitchengardenmagazine

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  • Video: How to Get Started Growing Kohl Rabi

    Video: How to Get Started Growing Kohl Rabi

    Learn how to get started growing Kohl Rabi, an underrated member of the cabbage family This video shows you what you need to do to prepare the soil, how to sow the seeds and how to care for the Kohl…

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