Grow your own: Apples

Shop-bought apples are great, but if you have never grown your own, your choice will have been restricted to a handful of varieties chosen partly for taste, but also for their travelling and storage qualities. Yet there are so many more to choose from, all with their own unique flavours and textures. Apples are easy to grow and undemanding and…

Grow your own: Apricots

Apricots are a favourite for drying and the nutrient-packed fruits make a great alternative to sugary sweets in children’s lunchboxes. However, the fresh fruit is delicious too and more and more popular in the supermarkets; unfortunately imported fruit which has travelled halfway around the world often tastes rather poor for the experience. But with modern varieties it is now possible…

Grow your own: Blackberries

A walk along any hedgerow in late summer and autumn will bring a tasty harvest of delicious blackberries from the brambles that weave their way through the undergrowth. If you love the taste of these wild berries then you will love their cousins the boysenberry, dewberry, loganberry, sunberry, youngberry and many more. These are all crosses between raspberries, blackberries and…
Animage of a brocolli plant

Grow your own: Broccoli

Broccoli is a highly nutritious vegetable that is a must for the veg patch. You will really notice the difference in flavour of your own grown broccoli and, being so fresh, it will contain even more vitamins and health giving properties. It belongs to the brassica family and there are three types: white and purple sprouting broccoli which are harvested…