We begin sowing with the April issue of Kitchen Garden, now on sale and full of great growing ideas for the forthcoming Spring season.

KG Editor, Steve Ott, says: “April is notoriously unpredictable with everything from snow showers to extended periods of mild, dry weather. But with the weather tipping decidedly from winter to spring at some point this month, direct sowings can finally begin apace. Don’t jump the gun, however.”

Also in this issue, Stephanie Hafferty creates no-dig beds and compost bins on her brand-new plot; and KG’s editor, Steve Ott, explains what to look out for when buying a new greenhouse.

We discover some great products in this issue too, staff writer Tony Flanagan suggests a veg growing toolkit for beginners and garden writer Emily Cupit discovers some recycled and plastic-free ways to label your crops.

Don’t forget you can pre-order your copy of Kitchen Garden to save you popping down to the shops if you’ve something better to do… or better still, why not subscribe and get a host of other benefits in addition to your monthly magazine and free seeds?

Or pick up the latest issue from all major supermarkets and WHSmith high street stores.

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