August issue on sale now!

It’s feeling hot, hot, hot… so chill out with the UK’s best-selling magazine for the keen allotmenteer and kitchen garden enthusiast.

Our gardens and allotments are in full cropping mode this month; hopefully you have plenty to fill your trugs and freezers. The chances are that tomatoes will be on the list of tasty crops you are growing and picking now. Although they are easy to grow, they do suffer from occasional problems and if you need some advice then Ben Vanheems has the answers to help you get yours back on track this summer.

Colleagues Emma Rawlings and Tony Flanagan have been busy. Emma has been putting the finishing touches to our annual Passionate Plotter competition (do take part for your chance to win some great prizes) while Tony brings you his growing guide to chives and garlic chives as well as testing some of the ever-growing range of battery-powered gardening tools. I for one was very impressed with them.

Rob Smith is growing pak choi this month while our resident fruit expert David Patch has some great top tips for growing that most accommodating of fruit, autumn raspberries.

KG editor Steve Ott guides you through the growing seasons.

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