Bring the harvest home

Bring the harvest home

Editor Steve Ott welcomes you to the October issue and outlines what’s ‘in store’ for the forthcoming weeks

What’s new?: Emma, Steve and Tony give a garden update

Also in the October issue – Steve Neal heads to London to meet ‘the Golden Baggers’… a group of gardeners making the most of inner-city small spaces to grow their own fruit and vegetables; Wendy Pillar decides there’s much room in her garden for the humble mushroom, and gives hints and tips on growing them; and Joyce Russell presents a step-by-step guide to making a salad table.

Our popular ‘cut flowers’ series continues as staff writer Tony Flanagan advocates growing helichrysums to your flowerbed repertoire – and says you won’t be disappointed. Judging by the picture below, he’s quite right.

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