Eight out of 10 city-dwellers don’t spend enough time in nature

Eight out of 10 city-dwellers don’t spend enough time in nature

By Andrew Shaw

A new poll has found that 80% of people living in British cities feel they’re growing apart from Mother Earth.

Around 2,500 people took part in the survey, conducted by YouGov on behalf of The Wildlife Trusts.

Almost nine out of ten (89%) asked said that nature was important to them, and more than three-quarters (78%) of them said they wanted to see more nature in their cities.

Unfortunately, it seemed like many of them found their wants being ignored, as a shocking 47% said that their most recent special moment with nature came from either a holiday or from the TV. This compared to just 9% who spoke of enjoying a visit to a wild place as part of their working day in the last week.

The poll revealed some good news, however: a majority (56%) of those asked said they tried to do their part to help nature in their own gardens.

The poll results were released as The Wildlife Trusts launch their 30 Days Wild challenge, a scheme that hopes to encourage people to commit Random Acts of Wildness every day for a month. Running throughout June, more than 40,000 people have pledged to join in with the challenge, including 3,000 schools and 1,000 businesses. Olympic Gold medallist Amy Williams and Countryfile presenter Ellie Harrison are also taking part.

Communications Manager for The Wildlife Trusts, Lucy McRobert, said: “The Wildlife Trusts are urging everyone to take part in the 30 Days Wild challenge and have ‘wow’ moments every day during June, and discover just how life enhancing that can feel.

“Discover the urban jungle – spot gorgeous goldfinches, ferns growing out of walls or go barefoot in a park! Take action for nature by planting a mini-meadow in a window box or create a container pond.

“With the pressure on at work, it’s easy to get stuck behind your desk. 30 Days Wild has lots of ideas for helping make nature part of your work life, as well as at home: less screen time, more green time!”

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