Fancy blogging/vlogging for Kitchen Garden?

Fancy blogging/vlogging for Kitchen Garden?

We would love to hear from any budding bloggers or vloggers!

Maybe you’re an award winning vegetable grower or a proud allotment owner, with a plot to make everyone envious? Or, you might have a little vegetable patch you enjoy taking care of in your garden, or a small number of pots resting on your window sill?

We’re looking for bloggers to be a part of our ‘Meet the Blogger’ series in the magazine and it would be great to have YOU on board! We are looking for volunteers with an active social media presence on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or a website to come forward and you could be featured in the Kitchen Garden magazine.

If you’re interested, please just get in touch with:

  • Examples of your work (blogs or vlogs welcome!)
  • Links to your site, if you have one.
  • Links to all social media channels.

Email your details to Steve Ott at [email protected]

We can’t wait to hear from you soon!

About the author

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