Help get Britain buzzing!

Help get Britain buzzing!

Friends of the Earth needs people to take part in The Great British Bee Count – Britain’s biggest bee survey

Taking place this year from May 19 to June 30, people are being asked to get out into gardens, allotments, parks and the countryside and identify and count the bees they see, using a free smartphone app. The results will help to build a picture of the status of the nation’s 267 bee species. Around a quarter of our native bee species are believed to be at risk from threats including habitat loss, intensive farming, pesticide use and climate change.

Friends of the Earth is also urging people to plant a diverse range of bee-friendly plants in their gardens and local communities to attract different bee species throughout the year, and has advice and resources for gardeners at Last year’s Bee Count found that gardens hosted the greatest variety of species, with almost a quarter of people recording four or more different types of bee.

Go to to get involved in this year’s count.

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