Meet Bella, the Kitchen Garden Cat!

Our Three Mudketeers have been joined by Bella, the KG cat. Watch her in action and find out what she thinks of the trio…

Let us introduce Bella…

Full Name: Princess Bella Prima Donna

Age: 3 years

Breed: Aristocratic line

Who is Bella’s human? Tony Flanagan, staff writer on Kitchen Garden

How long has she been in the Flanagan family? 3 years

The Interview:

What is your favourite napping spot in the allotment?

I have several places – warm spots are best! The polytunnels are good, especially in the spring when it’s still cold outside. Oh yes, and on top of the compost heap it can be warm too but it doesn’t do much for my social life, that one.

Tony’s allotment is full of wildlife. What’s your favourite?

I love baby rabbits, though for some reason they don’t like me. Mice are the same. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I only want to play!

What do you find to be the most effective methods of pest control?

Total vigilance and a willingness to terminate with extreme prejudice. Big words I know, but I did go to a very good cat school.

Are you partial to any crop in particular?

Yes, cabbages. I get a lot of fun chasing cabbage white butterflies away. Unless they’re big ones, and then they chase me.

Do you like to get involved in the garden and get your paws dirty?

Well, I’d like to say I’m paws-on but I like to keep my claws clean – I have an image to maintain in the neighbourhood and clean claws are essential at all times! The truth is, I do think I was born for greater things than just being an allotment cat. Things could be worse, I suppose – at least I’m not an alley cat!

How would you rate Tony’s gardening skills?

Well, he’s still got a lot to learn, I’m afraid. He forgets where he’s sown stuff, he leaves his tools lying all over the place, he creates an awful mess in the garden, and he’s mad about broad beans (ugh!). He really does need to sort himself out!

You’ve witnessed a number of KG videos being filmed now. Out of Steve, Emma and Tony, who would you say is the biggest diva and why?

Well, they’ve all got diva tendencies but Steve has been stamping his foot about having his own dressing room, so I think that speaks for itself.

Do you feel that you inspire Tony’s writing?

Mmm. Difficult one. Seems to be more interested in his carrots than me. Plus, he’s not always very happy with what I do. For pity’s sake, how am I supposed to know it’s a seed bed. It just looks like soil to me, and I’ve got to ‘go’ somewhere!

What would you like to say to other KG cats out there?

Unless you get into TV commercials you’re probably never going to be quite as famous as me. It’s something you’re going to have to get used to. 

Watch Bella in action!

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