No Excuses for Not Pruning

No Excuses for Not Pruning

If you haven’t pruned yet, better now than never.

Markus Kobelt of Swiss fruit nursery Lubera has just posted a very funny blog listing the excuses his customers come up with for not having pruned their fruit trees, ranging from, “I haven’t done it yet so it’s too late now,” and, “My husband/wife/neighbour says not to do it now,” to, “I don’t know how to prune properly so it’s better if I do nothing.” Not true, he says: if you haven’t pruned yet, better now than never. Lubera’s site has upwards of 100 advice videos, almost certainly including one on pruning whatever it is you haven’t pruned yet – so there’s no excuse now. 

Read the blog at and then sharpen those secateurs.

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