One million FREE seed balls for UK school children

Pollinator friendly company Seedball is working with the BBC to deliver one million seed balls to school children as part of ‘The Green Planet’ TV series. Teachers can apply for a free pack of ‘Green Planets’ to help re-wild schools and teach the next generation about the importance of biodiversity.

Seed balls are an impressively simple way to grow native wildflowers from seed that’s easy and accessible while providing a fun and hands-on learning experience for school children. The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world, and Seedball is on a mission to help restore the base of Nature’s pyramid by inspiring and helping more people to grow wildflowers. One seed ball has the potential to grow a thousand wildflowers! Once the wildflower plant is established, it will start re-seeding naturally and in turn grow thousands more, turning schools into biodiverse hotspots.

Seedball jumped at the chance to support The Green Planet – one million balls will make a huge difference for wildlife. Each seed ball is a mini ecosystem, filled with wildflowers that will attract pollinators and other insects, which in turn attract animals feeding on those insects and the animals feeding on those animals. This positive domino effect of biodiversity restoration can create a dramatic impact on wildlife in a really short time. At the same time the campaign is nurturing well informed future rewilders and biodiversity champions.

It only takes minutes to scatter a pack of 100 seed balls – making restoring nature child’s play!
Seedball Co-founder & Director, Dr Anais Attlee, said: “Children are the future of our planet and inspiring young growers with the wonder of planting at an early age will not only benefit our environment now but well into the future. We are so excited to work with BBC Green Planet TV Series to gift one million seed balls to schools across the UK.”.

Students, parents, and carers can send this link to teachers to request the seed balls.

Find out more about how Seedball is helping encourage a gardening revolution at

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