Get set for the count

Get set for the count

This year’s RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch takes place from January 28 to 30 – and everyone who registers to take part before January 30 will get £5 off their next order from the RSPB shop, plus free delivery. You’ll also get a free participant’s pack full of bird facts, tips and advice.

The survey was started in 1979 as a fun winter activity for junior members – and has grown into the world’s biggest wildlife survey. Last year, more than 519,000 people across the UK counted a total of 8,262,662 birds. The results let the RSPB build a year-on-year picture of the populations of garden birds and – since 2014 – other garden wildlife.

All you need to do is watch your garden birds for an hour during the Birdwatch weekend, and record the maximum number of each species that you see at any one time. There’s a counting tool on the website to help you keep track, and you can then submit your results online, or download a paper form. People who don’t have a garden can count the birds in their local park or green space – and there are also lots of special events over the weekend, in parks and on RSPB reserves.

Find out more and get involved at  

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