Go wild in June!

Go wild in June!

The Wildlife Trusts is challenging people to do something wild every day throughout June: that’s 30 Random Acts of Wildness.

Sign up now to get your free 30 Days Wild pack, which contains stickers, a wallchart and wildflower seeds, plus ideas from your local Wildlife Trust to inspire you to go wild through June and beyond.

A Random Act of Wildness is about making time to connect with nature, or doing something to help nature. Ideas include:

  • Walk on the wild side: take a detour on your walk to work, to school or with the dog and take in a wild place
  • Sow a nectar-rich mini wildflower meadow for damselflies, dragonflies and butterflies
  • Birdwatch on your bike and make a note of the species you encounter
  • Drift off to wild sounds: record and play back soothing sounds of nature

Sign up to take part at http://action.wildlifetrusts.org/page/7184/petition/1 and share your Random Acts of Wildness using #30DaysWild.

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