London’s oldest plotsresist developers

London’s oldest plotsresist developers

Northfields Allotments comprises 141 plots, which are fully rented, with over 70 people on the waiting list.

London’s oldest allotments, which have existed since 1832 but now face the threat of a housing development on part of the site, have received official recognition from Ealing Council as an Asset of Community Value under the Localism Act 2011.

Christina Fox, Chairman of the Ealing Dean Allotment Society, says, “Receiving formal recognition for Northfields Allotments as an Asset of Community Value means a great deal and confirms what we knew already, namely that the benefits the allotments bring to both plotholders and the wider local community are extremely important and worth protecting.”

Northfields Allotments comprises 141 plots, which are fully rented, with over 70 people on the waiting list. A petition opposing the proposed development has amassed over 3,250 signatures, and you can add your name at

Registering an allotment site as an Asset of Community Value is a key strategy recommended by allotment campaigners, as it makes it less easy for landowners to pursue development plans. Find out how to register your site or other local amenity at

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