Understanding Garden Irrigation Systems

Understanding Garden Irrigation Systems

For the uninitiated, getting started with garden irrigation can be daunting and confusing

With so much information out there claiming to have all the answers, understanding how to use it to care for your plants can be difficult.

So how can we help? Well, we have used our wealth of knowledge on the subject to put together a comprehensive overview of all the different types of garden irrigation, and how to use it to help your plants flourish. From here, you will be able to do further research on the different methods by utilising our in-depth guides found on our website, www.easygardenirrigation.co.uk

Garden irrigation systems are fast becoming the must-have addition for gardeners. The benefit of having an automatic watering system is that it can take care of the watering for you, freeing up your time for leisure, or even taking care of the garden when you’re off on holiday. If installed correctly, they can also be much more efficient than watering by hand or using a garden sprinkler.

There are quite a few varieties to choose from, each having their own uses and benefits. Below we will run through the different types and their applications.

Drip Irrigation

Like the microjet and spray systems, these sit above ground and are used to cover large areas.

Instead of providing a fine soaking spray, they have a rotor jet that delivers heavy droplets of water.

Mini-sprinklers can cover areas up to five metres radius, meaning these are great for large landscaped areas and large vegetable patches. You can also purchase inverted models to enable them to spray overhead in greenhouses. Again, these can be used in conjunction with a water timer to control watering cycles automatically.

We hope this overview of garden irrigation and its benefits has helped you better understand what garden irrigation is and how to use it.

If you would like to read more about any of the methods mentioned, head on over to our website www.easygardenirrigation.co.uk where you will find in-depth guides for each topic mentioned. If you think this guide can help anyone else, share it with them, we’re sure they would be thankful.

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