A n image of the front and back covers of the Let's Grow and Cook book

Review: Let’s Grow and Cook

An image of the front and back cover of Let's Grow and Cook book.

More and more people are starting to appreciate the benefits of growing their own fresh fruit and veg and are seeking out their own patch to do just that. Let’s Grow and Cook is the perfect book to help you get stared.

Home-grown produce is not just fresher than anything you’ll find in the shops,in growing it you’ll have got some free exercise andin harvesting it will have saved the road and air miles that our supermarket produce has to travel to get to our plates.

Not only that but you can also choose whether or not to use chemicals to grow your crops –they can be grown totally organically if you wish –and you’ll save money into the bargain.

Of course the traditional place to grow fruit and veg is on an allotment and the long waiting lists in many areas of the UK show just how popular this hobby has become.

However, you certainly don’t need an allotment to produce your own crops –a back garden veg patch is a convenient solution for many; but even if you don’t have the space for a dedicated growing area, just a few tubs and containers will allow you to grow a surprising amount of produce.

Animage of a brocolli plant

Growing your own fresh produce is only half the story, however. Having reaped the harvest the next step is to find some delicious and imaginative ways to prepare and cook it.

So this book not only takes you through the simple steps required to grow more than 50 crops from start to finish, it also includes more than 70 delicious and original recipes for you and your friends and family to try.

There are no complicated techniques to learn –just a few simple common-sense ones – and you don’t need to spend a fortune on equipment to get started. In fact most of you reading this will have a few basic gardening tools in the shed already and that’s really all you need to get growing.

So once you’ve decided what you’d like to grow, checkout the seed catalogues or go online and order your seeds and plants and enter the world of fruit and veg growing. We guarantee you’ll never want to eat shop-bought produce again!

Grab your copy of Let’s Grow and Cook here and start feeding your family with some fantastic fresh produce and delicious recipes.

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