September issue now on sale!

September issue now on sale!

It’s been a super sunny summer so far, so as we take another step towards autumn, the Kitchen Garden September issue has new ideas to share.

September is traditionally a time for harvesting summer crops of fruit and vegetables and preserving any gluts so we can enjoy them through the long winter. However, there is still plenty we can do to stretch the growing season to ensure an early and productive start next year.

A cold frame is helpful to extend the growing season and in this issue Joyce Russell shows you how to make one.

Soil is our most precious commodity in the garden and after a year of hard work it deserves a bit of TLC. So this month we have two features, starting on pages 42 and 73, dedicated to helping you keep your soil fighting fit.

There is plenty of info on crops, too; expert grower Rob Smith has some great top tips on growing broccoli and calabrese, while this month our resident fruit expert David Patch turns his attention to figs.

Finally don’t forget to enter our great fun Passionate Plotter and Wonky Veg competitions for the chance to win some super prizes!

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