Strawberries - Sweet Success

Strawberries – Sweet Success

With spring around the corner there’s no better time to make plans for a haul of sweet and succulent #strawberries. #BenedictVanheems recommends his favourite varieties and creates a strawberry bed

It’s almost the start of another promising growing season. If there’s one way to bring on the excitement of summer plenty it’s to make preparations for that best-loved of home-grown fruit, the strawberry.

It has been said many times but it’s worth reiterating – just-picked strawberries, popped straight into the mouth, are a complete taste sensation. Strawberries snaffled from the plant on a warm summer’s day have that intoxicating marriage of heavenly aroma and fill-the-mouth flavour that supermarket punnets don’t get anywhere near.

While supermarket strawberrys must consider shelf life and robustness of the fruit to survive transport, you only have to concentrate on the most important factor of all: taste.

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