The Kelsae Makes a Comeback!

The Kelsae Makes a Comeback!

Onion the Kelsae makes a comeback as young plants from D.T Brown

For long a favourite with many exhibitors and other keen vegetable growers, Onion The Kelsae was virtually eradicated when the seed crop was wiped out by a freak hailstorm in September 2016. But now mail order kitchen garden specialist D. T. Brown is able to offer the renowned strain as young plants.

D. T. Brown’s general manager Tim Jeffries explains the situation. “We managed to save enough of the plants to protect our breeding stock, but it meant we had no packet seed available for this season. Luckily, we did have some old seed left from last year and whilst it wasn’t of high enough germination to be packeted, it was fine to sow for plants. The irony is, it germinated better than we expected, and so we have a good supply of young plants just about ready for despatch”.

In the exhibition world, onion The Kelsae has a reputation that is second-to-none. It is a regular winner at the National Vegetable Society national championships in the ‘large exhibition’ and ‘1kg to 1.5kg’ onion classes. It has the added advantage of being an excellent variety for culinary use. Its mild, sweet flesh enhances a wide range of dishes,

A pack of 20 module-raised plants of onion The Kelsae cost £6.95. To order The Kelsae or to request a copy of the Fruit and Vegetables Catalogue 2016, write to D. T. Brown, Western Avenue, Matrix Park, Chorley, Lancashire PR7 7NB, telephone 0845 3710532, or go online

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