Top shots of 2017 – and '18

Top shots of 2017 – and ’18

RHS Photo Comp winner. Credit: Picture: Dianne English/RHS

Judging the thousands of images submitted to the 2017 RHS Photographic Competition was a ‘Herculean task’, say the judges. The winners and runners-up in each of the nine categories – Celebrating Gardens, Welcoming Garden Wildlife, Pure Plants, Abstract, Urban Gardening, Social Media, Portfolio, Under 18s and Under 11s – can now be seen at – and from July, an exhibition of the winning images will go on tour around the four RHS gardens, starting at RHS Rosemoor in Devon. The overall winner is ‘Spring’ by Dianne English, which shows a speedwell flowering in a pot in her garden in Kilaben Bay, New South Wales.

The 2018 competition has already been launched, with the same nine categories and a deadline of January 31, 2018. Entry is free and you can submit as many images as you like. The Social Media category can be entered at any time via the RHS Twitter, Instagram or Facebook accounts using the hashtag #RHSphotocomp Each month, a shortlist will be selected by the RHS social media team, and followers will vote for their favourite. The monthly winners will then go forward to the judging for the overall category winner.

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