Winter Edition

In the Winter issue, you’ll find: Sally Nex explains how to make leafmould and has advice on composting weeds; and Dr Anton Rosenfeld of Garden Organic explains how you can learn more by taking an experimental approach to veg growing.

Also in the Winter issue …

Parsnips uncovered
In the first of their new series Martin and Jill Fish bring you their trade secrets for growing and cooking a favourite crop.

‘Tis the season to be busy
Emma O’Neill, head gardener for horticultural charity Garden Organic, shares her top tasks for autumn and winter.

A labour of love
Becky Searle visits a market garden near Exeter to meet a colourful couple who love to share their ideas.

It’s all about community
We travel to a new allotment site near Wigan to meet the folks of Vicarage Lane allotments.

And there’s still lots more for you to read, grow and do! The only place to find out more is in the December issue which is available to order now.

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