A year for wildlife

A year for wildlife

The Wildlife Trust’s Impact Report 2017/2018 offers an inspirational insight into the work of the charity

The Wildlife Trusts encompass 46 local Wildlife Trusts, 2,300 nature reserves, 35,000 volunteers and 850,000 members. In 2017-18, 10 million visits were made to its reserves, 17,900 people gained new skills on its training courses, and one million Random Acts of Wildness were undertaken during its 30 Days Wild campaign.

The report includes case studies of Wildlife Trust volunteers and projects, ranging from the return of beavers to Cornwall and a successful year for Scottish ospreys to new research on the mental health benefits of wildlife volunteering.

The report says, “Our vision is of people close to nature, with land and seas rich in wildlife. Yet never before has society been more isolated from nature, and our wildlife so depleted. We are committed to putting nature into recovery.

“The Wildlife Trusts movement is founded upon the belief that people taking action in the places closest and most important to them is a powerful force for change. So wherever you live, there are people saving wild places and standing up for wildlife through a Wildlife Trust near you.”

Find out more at https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/sites/default/files/2018-11/TWT%20Annual%20Impact%20Report_2017-18.pdf

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