Bread & Water for Africa make an urgent call for donations to their Back to School appeal

Every child needs access to a daily meal and the chance of an education. Yet right now, in Africa, many children miss out on the one meal they could get each day, and the chance of a place at school simply because they do not have the clothes or shoes legally required to attend.

It seems unthinkable that a child in the UK could go to school in torn clothes. Imagine the feeling of not fitting in with the other kids and facing the shame of everyone knowing you cannot afford anything other than the tatty clothes on your back.

In Africa, for many children, this is their reality. They go to school without a uniform, and worse still, they often go barefoot in the only clothes they own. 

Even if a child is lucky enough to be gifted with a treasured uniform, it is often the only item of clothing they possess. It creates pride and equality amongst the students, rather than separating them by the state of their clothes or financial means.

This is precisely why Bread & Water for Africa are asking for your urgent help to buy 100 children a precious school uniform, and vital books and stationery they need in time for the start of school.

Please donate to Bread & Water for Africa’s Back to School appeal today! With your help, these children can get into school this term and have a chance at a brighter future. Thank you!

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