February issue now on sale!

Happy new year! We prepare to welcome spring with the February issue of Kitchen Garden, now on sale and full of great growing ideas for the forthcoming season.

Get your February issue now!

In these short, dark days after the demise of strands of sparkling Christmas tinsel and colourful lights, after the tree has been packed away, recycled or removed to grow in the garden, it’s wonderful to find small rays of hope to see us through to springtime.

Here’s where Kitchen Garden comes in – helping to banish the gloom and prepare for longer, warmer days with the promise of healthy harvests and gardens packed with colourful summer blooms and butterflies.

KG editor Steve Ott (pictured below) says: “February marks the start of the veg growing year for many of us and in this packed issue we fire the starting gun (or is that the pea shooter) on delicious early peas as gardening expert Martin Fish offers his top tips for growing and extending the season with this easy climber.

Hoe, hoe, hoe… better than ‘Ho, ho, ho’ at this time of year!

“Joyce Russell has some top tips for making propagators from recycled and simple materials to get your seeds off to the best possible start, and continuing the theme KG‘s staff writer Tony Flanagan compares the merits of some popular products designed to make sowing easier and more successful.

“Top gardening writers Rob Smith and Stephanie Hafferty are with us again. Rob takes you through the gardening month on his plot where among other things he is planting some early potatoes in pots, while no-dig expert Stephanie looks at how the technique can work to improve your soil and the wider environment.

“If the weather is getting you down, why not grow a taste of the Med in your conservatory or frost-free greenhouse this winter? Fruit expert David Patch turns his attention to citrus in all their colourful forms.
Finally, we travel from Fife to Buckinghamshire via Lincolnshire to visit some great gardens and gardeners in this issue. So put the kettle on, move the chair closer to the fire and enjoy the journey.”

Don’t forget you can pre-order your copy of Kitchen Garden to save you popping down to the shops if you’ve something better to do… or better still, why not subscribe and get a host of other benefits in addition to your monthly magazine and free seeds?

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