From spade to fork: Growing your own with Kitchen Garden

From spade to fork: Growing your own with Kitchen Garden

Need a helping hand in your garden over the next few weeks? Don’t worry, Kitchen Garden has you covered.

During these uncertain times it could be easy to resign yourself to your weekly shop as your only means of outside interaction.

However, there’s plenty you can do to not only get yourself out into the open safely, but also, to take that small step towards self-sufficiency by growing your own veg.

Kitchen Garden magazine can give you the tips and guidance to produce some fantastic food and to create tasty, healthy recipes – from spade to fork!

Jobs this month

Each issue of Kitchen Garden contains plenty of jobs for the month to help you keep on top of your plot.

This month, start sowing kales and sprouting broccoli. Both of these have a long growing season.

It’s also a great time to harden off plants. It only takes a few minutes to put small plants outdoors for the day and to take them back under cover in the evening.

Lastly, weeding. Do about 10 minutes of weeding each day to avoid the depressing sight of weeds taking over your garden. This can be done with a hoe in the dry weather or by hand whenever you want to.

Plot Diaries

The Kitchen Garden team – editor Steve, deputy editor Emma and staff writer Tony – are also making the most of the lockdown by keeping you up to date on their own plots, providing plenty of advice and helpful tutorials on everything from sowing to labelling. Check out Steve’s latest video:

Unmissable offers

Thanks to these unmissable offers on both print and digital subscriptions and single issues of Kitchen Garden, you can enjoy instant access on your favourite device, or we can deliver the latest issues direct to your front door.

What’s more, when you purchase a 12-issue print or digital offer, you will be saving up to a whopping 60% and you’ll receive 20 packs of seeds with your first issue to get you started on your plot, or simply to add to your collection.

With garden centres and other seed suppliers’ premises remaining closed for the time being, what better way to get your hands on a fantastic range of seeds then these Kitchen Garden offers.

Visit Classic Magazines and get your subscription now. Hurry, offers end May 8, 2020!

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