Crisis is the national charity for homeless people. In support of their work a new campaign, Grow for Crisis, has been launched to encourage people to get into gardening and start their own fundraising campaigns.

The campaign will officially start on 20 March (the first day of spring) and already has the support of celebrated gardener and ‘no dig’ guru Charles Dowding.

People experiencing homelessness have been, and still are, especially at risk from coronavirus. Right now, people are still without permanent homes or at risk of being pushed into homelessness by financial pressures caused by the pandemic. That’s why Crisis is encouraging people to get out in the fresh air, grow together this spring, and raise vital funds to help end homelessness.

By setting up their own GoFundMe campaign, people can:

  • Get sponsored to take on a green-fingered challenge, such as beating your friends in a seed-sprouting competition (and raise the most donations in doing so!)
  • Host a virtual gardening lesson and share your skills with others and link to their campaign if anyone wants to donate
  • Lift your mood and connect with nature if you’re feeling low
  • Share your campaign with friends, family, and gardening or allotment groups
Seed trays and loo rolls with broad bean plants inside a cold frame. Sowing vegetable seeds in winter, UK

To celebrate the organiser of the campaign which raises the most for Crisis, they will gain the opportunity to learn from vegetable gardener Charles Dowding, with free access to his online course ‘From Seed to Harvest’, in which he shares a lifetime’s worth of tips and tricks for growing 15 key vegetables.

Charles said: “I am happy to support this campaign. I so admire people who work for groups like Crisis, filling such a gap in society. Do contribute if you can.”

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