Growing on the web: Kirsty Ward

Growing on the web: Kirsty Ward

KG’s Olivia Peace chats to top gardening bloggers from the world-wide-web. This month she meets Kirsty Ward of mylittleallotmentsite.

Meet Kirsty Ward, a rising star in the world of allotment blogging. She started gardening in April 2017 as a means of improving the state of her mental health following a difficult period, and soon realised she was enjoying being outside more than she thought.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting with their own allotment?

Go for it! I’m a firm believer that anyone out there can grow their own and with all the help and support of social media, there’s nothing to lose, only a wonderful hobby and a great sense of community to gain.

I also think the benefits it gives to your mental and physical health makes it a no-brainer. Having an allotment can be a lot of work, but I find little and often makes it easier for me to manage, at first it can be a bit overwhelming but just set yourself one task complete it and move on to the next.

For me, my allotment has changed my life, it might not change everyone’s in the same way, but I’m sure it would definitely have a positive impact on you and your family’s life. There is nothing more rewarding than spending time in the fresh air and bringing home amazing produce you have grown from seed.

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