January 2019 Kitchen Garden... out now!

January 2019 Kitchen Garden… out now!

Banish the winter blues with some greens! Our latest issue is packed with great features, news and tips for a fantastic 2019 harvest

We may still be a long way from making those spring sowings, but I still get excited about the start of a new year, writes KG editor Steve Ott. There are soil preparations to be made, seed lists to sort and seed potatoes to buy. To help celebrate the new season we have a great new feature for you this month.

Gardening writer Graham Strong is well respected for his great knowledge of growing your own. In this issue he starts a new 12-part series on beginning a new plot from scratch, starting with the inevitable weed clearance to picking your first harvests. I just know you are going to enjoy following his progress.

We also have some top advice on kick-starting your new potato crop, beating tomato blight and getting the most from your free chilli pepper seeds. Love apple pies? Then you’ll want to read our expert’s tips on selecting a cooking apple variety for your garden.

Finally, inside the January issue you’ll discover the winners of our Passionate Plotter and Wonky Veg competitions!

So why not make it your new year resolution to get into gardening? The health benefits of being out in the fresh air, enjoying the natural world, listening to birdsong and watching your seedlings grow into delicious edible crops, not tainted by pesticides or tarnished by air miles, is beyond comparison! And if you’ve already been bitten by the gardening bug, why not take out a subscription to KG, or maybe buy one for a friend?

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