Boxes for birds

Boxes for birds

National Nest Box Week lets you contribute to conservation efforts whilst gaining the pleasure of observing any breeding birds.

For bird-lovers, Valentine’s Day marks the start of National Nest Box Week. The aim of the week, which runs from February 14 to 21 each year, is to encourage people to buy (or make) and put up a nest box, ready for birds to move into during the forthcoming breeding season.

The week is run by the British Trust for Ornithology as a way for everyone to help address falling bird populations. Natural nest sites for birds, such as holes in trees or old buildings, are disappearing fast as gardens are ‘tidied’ and old houses are repaired, so nest boxes are becoming increasingly vital to breeding success for many species. National Nest Box Week lets you contribute to conservation efforts whilst gaining the pleasure of observing any breeding birds that you attract to your garden.

Register for your free NNBW information pack at and sign up to the Nest Box Challenge, which lets you register your nest box online and record breeding successes through the season.

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