Grow your own: Apricots

Apricots are a favourite for drying and the nutrient-packed fruits make a great alternative to sugary sweets in children’s lunchboxes. However, the fresh fruit is delicious too and more and more popular in the supermarkets; unfortunately imported fruit which has travelled halfway around the world often tastes rather poor for the experience. But with modern varieties it is now possible…

Cherry, Apricot and Honey Cake

As stone fruits near the end of their season, Lucy Burton shares her honey cake recipe, which is the perfect base for any soft fruit topping During the summer months, many growers find themselves with a bounty of produce on their hands. While this is, of course, a good problem to have, it helps to have several tried and tested…
Apricot, buckwheat and hazelnut crumble

Apricot, buckwheat and hazelnut crumble

Stone-fruits make a delicious, summery filling to comforting crumbles. Lucy Burton shares her recipe for a gluten-free seasonal crumble Warm and comforting crumbles are usually reserved for the colder winter months, when apples, pears and quince grow in abundance. Subject as we are to the unreliable workings of British summer weather however, a cosy pudding in summer can, sometimes, prove just…