Harvested raspberries

White chocolate and raspberry buns!

Raspberries are another summer fruit that is easy to grow and is rewarding both in terms of quantity and flavour. There are generally two types of varieties of raspberries; summerfruiting raspberries which start to fruit in July and autumn-fruiting raspberries, which grow differently and won’t be ready until August.

It is important to know whether you have summer or autumn fruiting varieties as they are pruned differently. Summer raspberries need the fruited canes cut down to the ground as soon as they have finished fruiting, whilst autumn raspberries are chopped to the ground in early spring. Both will need a sturdy structure such as a fence post and wire to keep the lengthy canes tied upright and good fertile soil to ensure a bumper crop.

Raspberries take up more space compared to other summer fruits but are well worth it if you have an allotment or vegetable patch in your garden. L

If space is limited, hybrid fruits crossed between native blackberries and raspberries, such as loganberries and tayberries are worth considering as they thrive when trained against a garden fence.

Keep on top of the pruning. As they begin to grow long new shoots during the summer, these will need to be tied in to increase the chances of fruit the following year.

Kate’s top tips for growing raspberries

Kate Nicoll, National Trust Gardens Training Specialist, offers these top tips:

• Make sure the soil is enriched with manure or compost – raspberries are hungry plants and are in for the long haul.

• Sink a plank in front of the row to slow down the spread of roots and suckers into the rest of the garden – raspberries can be invasive

• Summer fruiting raspberries make an excellent wind break if tied well to the structure – select the site accordingly to help protect tender crops.


A summer-time sweet treat with a fruity raspberry flavour and a golden finish, perfect with a cup of freshly brewed tea or coffee.

National Trust Images Rebecca Janaway

• Preparation time 30 minutes (1 hour to prove)
• Cooking time 20 minutes • Serves 12

For the dough
• 600g strong white flour 11g dried yeast
• 50g caster sugar
• Pinch of salt
• 400ml warm water
• 75g butter

For the filling
•200g raspberry jam
•125g fresh raspberries
•100g white chocolate drops


  1. For the dough: add all the dry dough ingredients to the mixer bowl, attach the dough hook and turn on low. Gradually add the warm water, and continue to mix until a soft, smooth dough has formed.
  2. Add the butter and continue to mix until it is combined and the dough is smooth again.
  3. Tip the dough out onto a floured surface and knead into a ball. Place into a floured bowl. Cover and leave to prove until doubled in size for around 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  4. Take the dough and roll into a rectangle approximately 48cm by 30 cm, with the long edge facing towards you.
  5. Spread with jam, ensuring you get right to edges. Sprinkle over the raspberries and white chocolate, and then roll tightly from top to bottom, squaring up the ends as you go to ensure it remains as even as possible.
  6. Cut into 12 equal pieces, approximately 3cm in width. Place on a lined tray, cut side up, squash down slightly, cover and allow to prove again until doubled in size for around 45 minutes.
  7. Place into the oven at 170C for 15 to 20 minutes until they are golden and risen.

For more inspiring recipes from the National Trust visit: www.nationaltrust.org.uk/recipes

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