Go Green on Blue Monday: 5 things to do in nature today

Whether it’s a walk or some gardening, we believe that the best way to combat the blues is to go green.

Mondays can be hard whenever they fall, but especially in January. It’s cold, Christmas is over, and although the days are getting lighter bit by bit, the long days of summer still feel a long way off.

But the good news is, spring is not so far off as it might feel! We know that being outdoors can do wonders for your mental health, so here are a few ways you can fit a bit of green into your day.

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1. Go for a walk

It doesn’t have to be a 10-mile hike, a short walk around the park will do. Anything that gets your body moving. Squeeze one in on your lunchbreak if you can, and remember to look around and take in your surroundings. Winter may seem a sad and empty time, but there’s life all around when you look for it.

2. Clean your greenhouse

Okay, it may not be the most fun chore, but what better way to remind yourself that spring is coming than with a bit of spring cleaning? While you’re working, you can think about the great year we have ahead and everything you can grow. Cleaning your greenhouse is all about letting the light in, and today is a great day to remind yourself how important that is.

3. Buy supermarket herbs

Maybe you won’t get chance to get out in the garden today, or maybe you don’t have a garden. Never mind, you can still get a bit of green in your life. Even if you’ve never grown any plants before, picking up a pot of supermarket herbs makes a great start. Don’t be discouraged if you’ve tried before and failed, the trick is to take what comes in the pot and separate it out into four individual pots. Give the herbs, and yourself, room to breathe.

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4. Prune fruit trees

You could also give your apple and pear trees a winter prune today. Start by removing any crossing branches before turning your attention to the three Ds: dead, damaged and diseased wood. It will all stop your trees from achieving their full potential if you let it, so cut the dead wood away.

5. Force strawberries

Is there any better reminder of sunny days than strawberries? You could bring about strawberry season earlier by giving your stawberries a bit of attention today. Give your strawberries a clean up, cutting away the dead material and runners, then bring them under cover and top dress with fresh compost. The combination of an early variety and this extra warmth could see you picking fruits by the end of April or early May.

Remember, strawberries need a period of chilling to set them up for the coming year. If you’re feeling down about the cold and dark, why not think of yourself the same way – resting and recuperating for a season of joy and success?

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Alex Bestwick
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