Benefits of community gardening

There are many benefits to community gardening and creating your own vegetable garden, whether it’s greening a local area, starting a food growing project or conserving an area for wildlife, it can be beneficial to both people and places.

If you’re looking for reasons to get involved with a local community gardening group, set-up your own community vegetable garden or even make a start on your own vegetable plot, you’re in the right place. Here’s why you’ll want to start…

Community gardens encourage people to be more physically and socially active
Community gardens and allotments provide opportunities to people who may usually live a more sedentary lifestyle to get moving and spend more time outside. These sort of outdoor projects can help to provide relief from stress, urban and sedentary lifestyles and greatly improve mental health.

Local projects help to connect people with their communities
If you’d like to meet more people in your local community, or contribute to helping those that might need extra support, working on a community garden can be a great opportunity to do this.

Growing fruit and vegetables can provide nutritional value to the local community
Of course, growing your own fruit and vegetables for consumption means you’re getting healthy and nutritional food into your diet.

Cuts the cost of your usual groceries shop
Another benefit to growing your own vegetables means cutting the costs of your weekly shop, particularly helpful with the rising cost of living! Where you can make a saving.. why wouldn’t you?

Contribute towards food donations
If you’re looking to help with more community and charitable causes, growing your own vegetables or helping with a community vegetable garden could help to produce more donations for food banks or organisations supporting those who struggle to make ends meet.

Reduce your carbon footprint
Growing your own produce can be particularly beneficial for the environment – the more people that grow their own fruit and vegetables, the less will be imported from other countries!

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