Award-winning blogger Ade Sellars has some timely advice for those of us starting off our seedlings under cover Over the next few months, our polytunnels and greenhouses will be home to our seedlings, and young plants; they will aid the development and growth of our fruit and veg. Right now, you can hear the bustle of eager gardeners, busying themselves…

23rd April 2017

Marvin watches the busy bees A bee has entered the greenhouse and is busy throwing himself against the glass. Three hours have passed and he is still trying to find the door. I have waved my little leaf at him to direct him out but he is not getting the message.…

22nd April 2017

Marvin meets a new human My human has gone to Harrogate Flower Show for the weekend and left me in the capable hands of another human who comes in once a day to water us. So far she is doing a grand job. My compost has remained moist and I am growing well. Once day I may be the biggest…

20th April 2017

Marvin has more leaves coming Oh it’s good to be alive. The sun is out the greenhouse is warm and toasty and there is life springing up all around me. Someone once said “Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get marrows.” (I think the quote was tomatoes but you get those as well).…