Essential Nutrients to Improve Plant Flowering

Essential Nutrients to Improve Plant Flowering

Many gardeners know the flowering stage as the point in a plant’s life cycle when fruit, vegetable and flower sets are produced. 

During this time, plants put all their energy into growing buds which are heavy, dense and most importantly, big!

However, it’s not a simple and straightforward process. The flowering stage is a crucial time for plants. That’s because in order to produce big and healthy flowers or fruits, they need enough NPK nutrients and additional nutrients to support them. Without this, plants may not successfully reproduce. Lacking the necessary nutrients to not only grow but also withstand environmental stress and attack from pests and diseases.

To grow higher yields of quality flowers, fruits and harvests, gardeners need to improve a plant’s health and flowering process at various stages. For example, when a plant is thriving before it begins to flower, it establishes the strength and health to cope with things such as sudden weather change. It can continue to produce its best flowers, without redirecting its focus to surviving.

Treat Hundreds of Plants

Some of you might be thinking that using the hose-end sprayer will use up too much product. However, there’s more good news! Each bottle can treat up to 300 square meters of plants, regardless of whether you’re using the hosepipe or watering can method.

To put that into perspective, that means one bottle of either Pre or Post Flower can treat 440 cabbages, 2,300 lettuce plants, 400 tomato plants, 1000 strawberry plants, 200 runner bean plants, 2,300 primulas. You probably get the point now. There’s plenty of coverage in each 1 litre bottle.

The Proof is in the Post-Flower

Finally, while the best results come from using both treatments one after the other, both fertilisers still offer great results when used individually.

In fact, in summer 2019, gardening bloggers have been raving about increases in flower and bud sites on their plants and the overall improvement to plant health from using Post-Flower alone. So, imagine the results from using both treatments!


To shop or find out more about Envii Pre and Post Flower go to


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