Join the Raised Bed Revolution

Join the Raised Bed Revolution

Raised beds are the answer to many gardeners’ problems making gardening easier, accessible, more productive and available to all.

Gardening Works Wooden Raised Beds are available in different sizes and heights making them user friendly for children, the elderly and the disabled who can garden at a height that is perfect for their needs, 75cm high disability raised beds and Grow tables bring the garden up to the height of the gardener which is especially useful for wheelchair users and those who find bending difficult.

Raised beds of different heights allow you to grow a wide variety of crops and offer greater flexibility, here is a guide to what you can grow.

1 Layer –15cm high – Ideal for Salads – Starter kits – Kids Gardening – Herbs

2 Layers – 30cm high – Suitable for most vegetables, Peas, Dwarf Beans – Herbs

3 Layers – 45cm high – Best for root vegetables, spuds, deep rooted vegetable and where drainage is a big problem

4 Layers – 60cm – Showbench – Ideal root veg – Spuds – Beans – Low Wheelchair – Stand up gardening.

5 Layers – 75cm – Wheelchair – Spuds – Beans – Root Vegetables – Stand up gardening.

Now is the time to join the Raised Bed Revolution maximise your garden and enjoy the benefits.

To view a wide range or Wooden Raised Beds and Grow Tables visit us at

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