Roast Garlic, Mushroom & Nut Pate

Roast Garlic, Mushroom & Nut Pate

This vegan pâté is sure to take your fancy, and is a speedy dish to prepare.

It’s delicious on hot toast or crackers.


Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

• 250g/9oz organic chestnut mushrooms, chopped roughly

• 60g/2oz unsalted mixed nuts, such as walnuts or hazelnuts

• 1 whole garlic

• 1 tbsp olive oil

• ½ tsp thyme

• Salt and pepper, to taste

1. Peel and discard the papery outer layers of the whole garlic bulb, leaving intact the skins of the individual cloves of garlic. Using a sharp knife, cut ¼ to a ½ inch from the top of the cloves, exposing the individual cloves of garlic.

2. Place in a baking tray, and drizzle with a little oil. Roast in a preheated oven at 220C/fan 200C/Gas 7 for 30 minutes.

3. Allow the garlic to cool enough to handle, then using your fingers squeeze the roasted garlic cloves out of their skins. Set aside.

4. Next, toast the nuts on a hot pan, taking care not to burn them. Set aside.

5. Finally, fry the mushrooms in a little oil until any liquid has evaporated.

6. Place the mushrooms, nuts and garlic into a food processor together with the thyme, and blitz until coarsely blended. You can blend until completely smooth if you prefer.

7. Season with salt and pepper, and place in the fridge before serving.

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