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Jobs for May

Ben Vanheems shares some essential tasks to carry out in your garden and allotment for May. SOW NOW Beetroot, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, calabrese, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chicory, chillies, courgettes, cucumber, Florence fennel, French and runner beans, kale, kohl rabi, leeks, lettuce, onions, peas, peppers, radish, salad leaves, spinach, spring onion, sprouting broccoli, squash and pumpkin, swede, sweetcorn, Swiss chard,…


Thanks to a partnership between Garden Organic and Yeo Valley Organic you can grow your own fragrant basil, chives or thyme plants Available May and June 2024, with every 400g tub of Yeo Valley Organic’s Spreadable blend of organic butter and rapeseed oil you will get one packet of herb seeds, with growing instructions. However you can collect all three…

May 2024

The latest issue of the UK’s best-selling growing your own magazine is brimming with all the best tips, tricks, advice and ideas for growing your own fruit and veg. In the May Issue: MANAGING WEEDS, NATURALLY Becky Searle looks at controlling weeds without weedkillers MEET THE APPLE DOCTOR KG editor Steve Ott chats to Glyn Smith, head gardener for the…

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024: The Bowel Research UK’s Microbiome Garden

The Bowel Research UK’s Microbiome Garden explores the fascinating link between a healthy landscape, a healthy gut and a healthy mind The Bowel Research UK Microbiome Garden designed by Sid Hill and Chris Hull, explores the fascinating link between a healthy landscape, a healthy gut and a healthy mind, featuring a pioneering edible meadow, which aims to inspire people to…

Jobs for April

Ben Vanheems shares some essential tasks to carry out in your garden and allotment for April. SOW NOW Aubergine, basil, broad beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, summer cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chillies, courgettes, cucumber, dill, kohl rabi, leeks, lettuce, onions, parsley, parsnip, peas, peppers, radish, salad leaves, spinach, spring onion, squash, tomato, turnips PLANT NOW Globe artichoke, beetroot, broad beans,…

Build your own propagating equipment: how to protect seedlings on a budget

Stephanie Hafferty offers some money-saving ideas to keep seedlings warm and make sure they have adequate light. Stephanie with a foil survival blanket which can help reflect light on to seedlings Seeds need warmth and light in order to germinate and thrive. British weather is remarkably changeable in the spring. One day we can be gardening in shorts and a…