Aduki bean rissoles

Aduki bean rissoles

Gaby Bartai offers a delicious recipe for the perfect Aduki Bean Rissoles

Aduki beans produce stubby, crunchy sprouts, perfect for adding nutty interest to vegetable rissoles. You’ll find complete sprouting instructions on pages 60 to 63 of the February 2018 issue; aduki beans should be sprouted for a minimum of four days, and are at their best after six or seven.

Ingredients (makes 8–10)

1 tbsp vegetable oil

1 medium onion, peeled and finely chopped

1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed

65g (2¼oz) stale bread, crumbed

55g (2oz) aduki bean sprouts (sprouted weight)

70g (2½oz) carrot, grated

55g (2oz) mature Cheddar, grated

1 egg

1 tsp yeast extract

1 tsp mixed dried herbs

½ tsp freshly ground black pepper

1. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion and garlic gently for five minutes.

2. Put the fried onion and garlic into a bowl with all the other ingredients, and mix everything together thoroughly.

3. Pick up ping pong ball-sized lumps of the mixture, shape them into balls, flatten them and put them into the frying pan (no need for more oil; what the onions left behind will suffice). Once in the pan, flatten each one further with a spatula.

4. Fry the rissoles over a moderate heat for about four minutes on each side, until they are golden-brown.

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